Hospital Authority Hong Kong Hospital Authority

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Redevelopment of

Our Lady of Maryknoll Hospital

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View from Lung Fung Street
June 2022
Funding approval by Finance Committee of Legislative Council for the main works
September 2022
Main works commencement
Anticipated project completion
Image Construction Progress Image Project Start Image Project Complete
Our Lady of Maryknoll Hospital (OLMH) commenced operation in 1961.  It is one of the hospitals/institutions of the Kowloon Central Cluster (KCC) of the Hospital Authority, serving as a community hospital that provides in-patient and ambulatory care services including out-patient and community services.

At present, there are a total of three blocks in OLMH.  The Out-patient Department (OPD) Building was completed in 1999, whereas the North and East Wings were built over 50 years ago.  The existing buildings are extremely limited in their capacity in terms of ceiling height, configuration, floor area and structural loading condition, impeding the expansion or improvements of hospital facilities to meet the growing service demand.  The haphazard developments in OLMH over the years have also resulted in functionally interrelated departments being scattered over different parts of the hospital, compromising their operational effectiveness and efficiency.

According to the Clinical Services Plan for KCC, OLMH will focus on serving the needs of residents in the Wong Tai Sin district as a non-acute hospital principally providing ambulatory care services and elective in-patient services.  The OLMH, together with the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Wong Tai Sin Hospital and the Hong Kong Buddhist Hospital, will form a service network with the New Acute Hospital at Kai Tak Development Area.

The redevelopment of the OLMH is being implemented in two works stages, namely preparatory works and main works.  The scope comprises:
  • site investigation and decanting works;
  • demolition of the existing North Wing, East Wing and related outbuildings;
  • construction of a new hospital block;  
  • refurbishment of the OPD Building; 
  • landscaping, external works, utilities diversion and road works; 
  • demolition of the temporary building; 
  • removal of decanted facilities and associated works after refurbishment of the OPD Building; and 
  • consultancy services for contract administration and site supervision 
The preparatory works of the redevelopment project commenced in September 2018 and were completed in June 2022.  The construction works of the whole project are expected to be completed by 2027.