Prince of Wales Hospital (PWH) is a major acute hospital in the New Territories East Cluster (NTEC) of the Hospital Authority (HA). It provides a comprehensive range of secondary and tertiary services for the residents in the NTEC as well as highly specialised quaternary services for patients from other clusters in HA. It is also the teaching hospital for the Faculty of Medicine of the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Designed and built in the 1970s, PWH commenced operation in 1984. Notwithstanding the completion of Main Clinical Block and Trauma Centre (MCBTC) in 2010 in the phase 1 redevelopment of PWH, which aimed at presenting the hospital with the opportunities to overcome the severe constraints on its ability to meet service and teaching demand at that time, many clinical services in PWH remain scattered in the old buildings under suboptimal conditions. In this light, HA has formulated a Clinical Services Plan (CSP) for the NTEC which maps out, among others, strategies to facilitate and guide the redevelopment of PWH.
Based on the CSP for the NTEC, a Concept Plan for the redevelopment of PWH has been developed, which aims to position the hospital as a major acute hospital and a hub for the NTEC academic health sciences network. The phase 2 redevelopment will provide additional space to meet operational needs and service developments, and improve the quality of services and the standard of care by integrating clinical services, research and training.
The phase 2 redevelopment of PWH will be carried out in two stages:
Stage 1 involves renovation works at existing buildings and construction of an off-site decanting building at Shatin Hospital for decanting the facilities in the existing buildings of PWH to be demolished; demolition of Staff Quarters Blocks A, C, D and E and the Lecture Theatre Building for the construction of a new In-patient Extension Block; and refurbishment, alteration and addition to the existing MCBTC.
Stage 2 mainly involves demolition of the hospital old buildings group including the Day Treatment Block, Special Block, Lui Che Woo Clinical Sciences Building, Podium Block, Eye Centre and Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics (North Wing), and the construction of a new Ambulatory Care Centre and Cancer Centre.
The preparatory works of the redevelopment of PWH, phase 2 (stage 1) project commenced in 2017 Demolition and foundation works have commenced since December 2019 and are in progress.