The Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service (BTS) is responsible for ensuring sufficient supply of safe and high-quality blood and blood components to all hospitals in Hong Kong. It is the only organization responsible for the collection and supply of fully-tested blood and haematopoietic stem cells, and is the major provider of plasma products in Hong Kong. It provides a number of highly specialized services including the reference laboratory for immuno-haematology, and also operates Hong Kong’s only public cord blood bank and bone marrow donor registry.
Built in 1984, the design and space of the existing BTS Headquarters at King’s Park Rise is inadequate to cope with its current service scope, scale of operations and workload and is unable to meet the projected growth in future. Furthermore, the current configuration of the building does not meet the requirements of Good Manufacturing Practices. Hence it is necessary to expand the BTS Headquarters to bring its facilities up to the prevailing international standards, and to provide adequate space to cope with its projected level of services.
The expansion of BTS Headquarters will be implemented in two stages:
- Stage 1 - construction of a new eight-storey annex block connected to the existing building at the adjacent vacant area
- Stage 2 - refurbishment and rearrangement of the functional layouts of the existing building.
Construction works commenced in June 2015 and the new annex block was substantially completed in December 2018. Refurbishment of existing building was substantially completed in Dec 2020.
The Sze Pang Nien Memorial Headquarters Donor Centre commenced service in January 2022.