Tseung Kwan O Hospital (TKOH) was built in 1999 to provide inpatient, 24-hour accident and emergency service, ambulatory and specialist outpatient services for the Tseung Kwan O residents.
Having regard to escalating service demands arising from the increasing population in Tseung Kwan O and Sai Kung Districts, aging population, and enhanced health awareness of the public, the Hospital Authority put forward a proposal in 2008 for the expansion of TKOH. The expansion project, which commenced in February 2009, involved two parts:
- Construction of a new ambulatory block on part of the hospital car parking area to accommodate non-inpatient services and ancillary facilities decanted from the hospital main block
- Conversion and renovation of vacated spaces in the hospital main block to accommodate additional inpatient wards and facilities
The whole expansion project was completed in 2013.