Hospital Authority Hong Kong Hospital Authority

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New Acute Hospital at Kai Tak Development Area

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September 2018
Commencement of the foundation and excavation works
July 2021
Funding approval by Finance Committee of Legislative Council for main works
Anticipated project completion
Image Construction Progress Image Project Start Image Project Complete
In the 2013 Policy Address, the Chief Executive announced that the Government would revisit the demand for medical facilities in Kowloon, and would expedite the development of the reserved hospital site in Kai Tak Development Area (KTDA) if necessary. The development of a new acute hospital in KTDA was subsequently proposed, among others, for meeting the demand for medical services arising from the growing and ageing population in Kowloon.

Locating centrally in the Kowloon region, there is a relatively high level of service demand in Kowloon Central Cluster (KCC), caused by an influx of patients from the districts of other neighbouring clusters. Building an acute hospital in KCC accessible to the population of the Kowloon region, in particular the future population within the KTDA, can meet the pressing need for strengthening the provision of public hospital services to the region.

In the 2016 Policy Address, the Government announced that $200 billion would be used to implement a First Hospital Development Plan (HDP) which gave HA more certainty and control in planning and implementing future hospital projects in order to tackle the challenges of an ageing society. Construction of a new acute hospital (NAH) at KTDA is one of the HDP projects.
The project involves the following –

(a) Construction of a new acute hospital with the following services and facilities –

1) 2,400 in-patient and day beds and associated medical and supporting facilities;
2) 37 operating theatres;
3) a neuroscience centre;
4) an oncology centre;
5) specialist outpatient clinics with a capacity of over 1.4 million annual outpatient clinic attendances; and
6) a community health centre.

(b) Provision of a continuous traffic-free pedestrian waterfront promenade at the strip of land adjoining the site for the NAH.